Acupuncture is proven to be one of the safest therapies available, used by millions of people all over the world for centuries with virtually no side-effects. We use sterile, single-use, disposable needles.
Acupuncture is effective As one of the oldest and most widely used forms of medicine, it has stood the test of time. Study after study has shown it to be effective for a wide range of health conditions. The Cleveland Clinic, MDAnderson, Mayo Clinic, and other major institutions now incorporate acupuncture.
It harnesses and amplifies the most powerful healing tool - YOU. Its power is awakening and guiding your body’s healing resources. Because it amplifies your body’s natural healing mechanisms, it can help in virtually any situation.
Acupuncture is one of the most relaxing therapies you’ll ever experience. You’ll look forward to its rejuvenating effects and the zen-like relaxation." I think correlating images would be cute with each answer as well. If these four things could be side by side across the page all in a row that would be ideal.